Kilroy Oyster Point

The multi-phased Kilroy Oyster Point development project is transforming 81 acres of bay-front area into a mixed-use biotech development. Plans include a life sciences campus, new park and recreation space, a vibrant marina environment, and a site that can accommodate commercial and hotel uses. Langan is providing multidisciplinary services during grading and site development within the Phase I and II portions of the Oyster Point properties. Our geotechnical and environmental teams will observe, test, evaluate, and document applicable components of the Final Closure Plan and Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan, and ensure that construction meets the California Code of Regulations Title 27. Our site/civil team will provide construction oversight in accordance with the CQA plan and civil design, including reviewing design documents related to streets, utilities, and infrastructure improvements.
2022 ASCE Region 9 – Outstanding Construction Project
2022 ASCE San Francisco Section – Outstanding Construction Project