Answers From Our Experts
What technical challenges are you solving for clients around the country?
Michael D. Burke, CHMM, LEED AP, Principal
One of the biggest challenges we face in New York City is selecting the best emerging technologies to ensure our engineers and scientists are providing our clients with the most accurate data possible. We are currently improving our workflow, from preliminary planning in the office to data collection methods using tablets and specific field applications, and data processing upon completion of a field assignment. This firm-wide digital roll-out makes the Langan team more efficient by reducing the amount of back-end data processing, thereby minimizing the room for human error.
Steven Ciambruschini, PG, LEP, Principal
We advocate for our clients and help shape the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Site Remediation Program by getting involved in the committees proposing the statutes and commenting on drafts of regulations and guidance documents. The Site Remediation Program also empowers environmental professionals – Licensed Site Remediation Professionals– to manage cleanups. Langan professionals are leaders within the Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association and routinely engage with NJDEP on stakeholder meetings, developing training, and outreach for the betterment of environmental remediation practices.
Caryn Barnes, LSRP, Principal
While potential concerns with the presence of emerging contaminants – most notably per- and poly-fluorinated substances and 1,4-dioxane – have been identified in the groundwater and public water supplies, state and federal policy makers have been unable to agree on regulations. We developed an inter-office working group on emerging contaminants to increase our participation in the regulatory process, talk to our clients, and work collaboratively with all parties so everyone understands the issues. This allows us to develop strategic project solutions that balance regulatory concerns with the uncertainty that exists in many cases.
Vincent D. Yarina, PG, CEM, Principal
The redevelopment of former dumpsites, landfills, and lakefills in South Florida poses significant technical and regulatory challenges. Langan brings an understanding of complex subsurface conditions, fate and transport of contaminants, and health risks associated with exposure to contaminants at these sites. Langan addresses these challenges with a thorough and accurate conceptual site model, which allows us to develop practical engineering solutions that are equally protective of human health and the environment. Langan’s successful approach integrates environmental, civil, and geotechnical engineering.
Colleen Elliott, CDT, Associate
We help our clients adequately budget for management and retirement of their legacy assets, such as abandoned pipeline systems and conventional wells, and support facilities with long remediation histories. There are often unanticipated post-deal transactions or operation costs associated with these projects. Our due diligence process, health and safety management, and environmental/advocacy approach has proven to mitigate risk while providing millions of dollars in savings to our clients and maintaining compliance. In addition, what was once common practice at these legacy sites may not align with the business needs of the new owners/operators, easement terms, or current regulations. We bring projects into the modern era with smart solutions combining the latest technical advances with strategic program delivery to derisk portfolios and efficiently close sites.
Dorinda Shipman, PG, CHG, CEM, Env SP, Principal
In California, we help our clients successfully navigate the always evolving requirements of multiple regulatory agencies. To accomplish this, we developed a coordinated regulatory strategy for efficient interaction with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), California EPA’s numerous resource agencies, and county health departments. Frequent communication fosters good relationships with regulators and facilitates early notification when requirements are changing. We identify challenges and develop solutions early on while balancing land use, property constraints, and client requirements. This allows us to obtain regulatory agreements that support California Environmental Quality Act approval and enable mitigation and risk management plan preparation.
Neil Shukla, Associate
Our team has established proactive engagement and routine communication with local and state agencies to negotiate practical remedial cleanup objectives with community buy-in and redevelopment goals in mind. We start with the local city department of environmental health as the lead, if possible. Once the state agency is involved, we discuss the project with their brownfield project managers and establish a California Land Reuse and Revitalization program to achieve expedited turnaround times for review and establish clear end points, including Certification of Closures for the sites.