Langan’s transportation group includes a team of experts specializing in transportation planning and traffic engineering. Our staff has developed innovative solutions for prominent corridors, transit terminals, airports, highways, stadiums, as well as large- and small-scale developments of all types. We provide comprehensive system solutions that balance the needs of all users including vehicles, transit, and pedestrians/bicyclists. Langan is at the forefront of newly emerging fields in transportation, including: simulation models, traffic and revenue forecasts, intelligent transportation systems, complete streets, traffic calming, context sensitive design, multi-modal systems, smart growth and transit oriented development (TOD), progressive parking strategies, and sustainability metrics. The group works closely with our other disciplines to provide integrated, cost-effective solutions that meet mobility demands while minimizing impacts.

Services PROVIDED include:
  • Traffic studies
  • Simulation modeling
  • Master plans and feasibility studies
  • Airport and transit terminal planning and design
  • Environmental Impact Statements and permitting
  • Highway design and access management
  • Traffic calming and streetscape design
  • Corridor studies
  • Parking studies and design
  • Toll road studies