Stream Cleaning
Langan grows successful sediment remediation practice
Many waterways across the country contain toxic pollutants from past industrial activities. Cleaning sediments in such rivers and streams is complex and calls for an experienced, interdisciplinary approach when it comes to remedial design. And that is the value proposition Langan brings in our focus on contaminated waterways.
Two years ago the firm launched an initiative to start a nationwide sediment remediation team, which is led by Managing Principal Steven Ueland. Langan’s practice includes sediment investigation, ecological and human health risk assessment, remedial design and implementation, and regulatory support.
To date, Langan is representing several clients in high-level litigation roles and completing multiple corrective measures studies. Specifically, the firm provided the remedial design of 15+ acres of tidal creek requiring sediment remediation. The investigation for the site included coring of very soft flocculent sediment in shallow waters, with the primary contaminants of concern identified as metals associated with mercury. Treatability studies and feasibility evaluations were initiated to develop remedial alternatives that would meet remedial goals and overall project objectives.
“We are excited by the progress our team has made in developing business with existing and new Langan clients, and also with our growing reputation in the sediment remediation community nationwide,” said Ueland. “We are dedicated to the continued expansion of the remedial services we can readily offer to provide technically excellent remediation design in various types of waterways and wetland settings.”
To learn more about Langan’s sediment remediation practice, please contact Steven Ueland at