Cary E. Ronan, PE, GE
Associate Principal
Cary Ronan has more than 23 years of experience in performing and managing geotechnical investigations and construction observation services for numerous projects throughout California. Her experience includes project management and leading a diverse range of major projects for schools, hospitals, universities and museum facilities, high-rise structures, hospitality, office, technology and life science campuses, large infrastructure developments, including parks, new streets, and utilities, and multi-family and mixed-use developments.
Ronan has worked on many projects with challenging subsurface conditions, such as San Francisco Bay Mud, at waterfront and urban infill locations. She has also worked on a large variety of projects with deep excavations, deep foundations and/or ground improvement to mitigate liquefaction and lateral spread. Ronan has a proven track record of successful interfacing with regulatory and reviewing agencies (e.g. BART, OSHPD, DSA, SFDBI SDRC, University of California SRC, RWQCB) and providing solutions to complex geotechnical and geo-environmental issues.