Caryn Barnes, LSRP, PG

Senior Principal

Caryn Barnes has 30 years of experience in all aspects of environmental investigations, feasibility testing, NAPL, soil and groundwater remediation, soil vapor investigations and site closure. She has worked extensively in New Jersey on NJDEP and USEPA-led projects. She is a technical and regulatory expert, and is an active participant and stakeholder in the development of regulations, rules, guidance and policy. Barnes is on the forefront of investigating and remediating emerging contaminants, including PFAS and 1,4-dioxane.

As a Licensed Site Remediation Professional, Barnes has responded to Immediate Environmental Concerns, certified numerous Response Action Outcomes and has prepared numerous remediation submissions. She served as the Lead Technical Coordinator for a multi-party Superfund Site. She is actively involved in numerous professional organizations, and is an avid advocate for her clients. Barnes is President emeritus of the LSRP Association, a professional organization of over 800 members.