Jamie P. Barr, LEP


Jamie Barr is a geological engineer with more than 20 years of diversified consulting experience throughout North America. He is a Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP) and manages Langan’s environmental practices in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Well versed in numerous engineering disciplines, his main areas of focus include brownfield redevelopment, portfolio due diligence, site assessment/remediation, and developing rapid closure strategies.

Barr’s client base is nationwide, with project experience in over 20 states and three Canadian provinces. He regularly participates on committees advocating for environmental regulatory reform, and served on the Board of Directors for CT Manufacturers for over seven years.

Barr currently serves on the board of directors for the New Haven Manufacturers Association, the advisory boards for UCONN Brownfield Initiative, One Village, NanoBank, and Quinnipiac’s Engineering Accreditation Board. His specialties include brownfield redevelopment, transfer act compliance, remediation system design, environmental site assessment, construction management, and real estate due diligence.