Robert Y. Koto, PG, LSRP
Senior Consultant
Robert Koto is a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) and Professional Geologist (PG) with more than 30 years of environmental, geological, hydrogeological, and regulatory experience. He specializes in industrial and hazardous waste site investigations and remediation.
Koto manages and directs the environmental group in the assessment and compliance process for site assessments and audits, provides guidance in remediation programs pursuant to New Jersey’s ISRA, underground storage tank programs, Federal and State Superfund and Brownfield Programs, and directs hydrogeologic and geophysical evaluations. He coordinates environmental sampling and analytical programs in accordance with stringent USEPA and state guidelines. He also designs and evaluates groundwater investigations, geophysical investigations, vapor intrusion assessments and manages RI/FS studies. He directs numerous pre-acquisition and presale projects across the United States.
Koto is involved with various NJDEP, PADEP, NYSDEC and CTDEP programs.