Full Scale Groundwater Remediation System
An integrated remedial approach was developed to address two areas of concern (AOCs) with LNAPL impacts within the footprint of a building. One AOC had free product No. 4 Fuel Oil impacts while the other had free product gasoline impacts. The site is a New York State Brownfield Cleanup program site located in Brooklyn, New York.
Because of the extent and nature of the contamination, new building, site-access restrictions, and nearby receptor concerns associated with the highly urban location of the site, the remedial strategy required carefully formulating a remediation technology, health and safety precautions, and design remedy. The integrated remedial approach consisted of a MPE system, a SVE system, and an air sparge system to address both the No. 4 Fuel Oil and gasoline free product impacts simultaneously. In addition, an active vapor mitigation system was designed to mitigate any resulting vapor intrusion issues. Due to the planned residential use of the new building, all treatment wells, manifold, and instrumentation associated with the remediation and vapor mitigation systems were installed below the structural slab of the building.
Because of the extent and nature of the contamination, new building, site-access restrictions, and nearby receptor concerns associated with the highly urban location of the site, the remedial strategy required carefully formulating a remediation technology, health and safety precautions, and design remedy. The integrated remedial approach consisted of a MPE system, a SVE system, and an air sparge system to address both the No. 4 Fuel Oil and gasoline free product impacts simultaneously. In addition, an active vapor mitigation system was designed to mitigate any resulting vapor intrusion issues. Due to the planned residential use of the new building, all treatment wells, manifold, and instrumentation associated with the remediation and vapor mitigation systems were installed below the structural slab of the building.