Ohlone Community College

The Ohlone Community College Newark Campus is a brownfields redevelopment on an 80-acre site. This was the first LEED Platinum College Campus. In addition to our environmental characterization work and analysis of remedial options, we assisted the District with negotiating a voluntary cleanup agreement with the Department of Toxic Substance Control. The cleanup was integrated with the development plans, allowing cleanup to be completed concurrently with the site grading and foundation preparation. Our geotechnical team performed a master plan and design-level geologic hazard evaluation and geotechnical investigation. We performed our services in compliance with the requirements of the Title 24 California Building Code, Division of the State Architect (DSA) for community college projects, and California Geologic Survey (CGS) advising checklist (Note 48) for California Public Schools. Our reports were submitted to DSA and CGS for review and were approved without exception.