Southpoint Park Shoreline Restoration

The Southpoint Open Space project is a seven-acre site encompassing two historic properties: the former Smallpox Hospital and the Strecker Memorial Laboratory. It features landscaped gardens, lawn areas, paved walkways, a comfort station, and panoramic views of Manhattan, Queens, and the East River. The revitalization project expanded Southpoint Park, improved the island’s lookout points with pathways and native vegetation, and strengthened the shoreline against future storm damage. Langan assessed subsurface conditions, evaluated storm surges and sea level rise, and conducted a bathymetry survey to record the grades along the shoreline and riverbed prior to designing the revetment. The new rip-rap revetment protects the shoreline from normal and extreme flood conditions, wave action, scour, and erosion. We also prepared a Soil Management Plan and testing protocol, which will be followed during soil removal. The revitalization project was completed ahead of schedule and under budget.
2024 ASLA New York Design Awards, Merit Award
2024 ACEC New York Engineering Excellence Awards, Platinum Award
2022 Friends of the Upper East Side, Resiliency Award