Via Lofts

As part of the overall revitalization of northwestern Hoboken, Langan is providing site/civil engineering, natural resources permitting, and environmental investigation and remediation oversight for this 44-unit mixed-use urban redevelopment project. The LEED Platinum-certified project features a green roof area that was specifically designed to comply with the city’s target of creating a minimum of 25% green roof area on all new buildings. The project includes a rooftop runoff capture and reuse collection system to supply green roof irrigation water, reducing demand on the city’s potable water supply and also reducing the project’s overall impact on the city's combined sewer outfall system.

Langan was responsible for the environmental investigation of the site, the remediation of an identified “hot-spot,” and the overall waste-class certification and disposal process for the hot-spot and site-wide historic fill materials as part of the site’s overall remediation.  The project site is located in the regulated flood hazard area and significant design and coordination was required to obtain a flood hazard area permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.