Our ESG Journey
Langan’s Latest Practice Helps Clients Do the Right Thing
Now more than ever, companies are taking stock of the proverbial triple bottom line and beyond. In other words, business operations and investments are being evaluated beyond a purely financial standpoint. What matters too are the implications and impacts that corporate decision making has on environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) issues. That’s why the term ESG is suddenly everywhere, from boardroom agendas to supply chain manifests.
Langan launched its own ESG practice one year ago to help clients conduct thorough reviews of operational factors and reputational risks during mergers and acquisitions (M&A) due diligence. Langan’s ESG M&A team provides traditional environmental, health, and safety (EHS) risk and liability evaluation, as well as comprehensive analyses of sustainability and climate impact (environmental); diversity, human rights, and consumer protection (social); and management structure, stakeholder engagement, and executive compensation (governance).
“My team has been a seamless fit at Langan, mainly because of the firm’s impressive client base and our ability to integrate what we do with other Langan core services,” said Kyle Strumfels, Associate, and ESG M&A practice leader. “We are adding more ESG experts to Langan to meet demand, continue our growth, and further expand our reach.”
In addition to supporting clients in the ESG space, Strumfels’ team helps Langan track its own ESG efforts, which is having an extremely positive effect around the firm. Employees welcome the honest assessment of how Langan scores from an ESG standpoint. Most importantly, everyone at Langan recognizes that ESG is not a destination, but a journey, with each step truly making a difference in the world.