Effectively Supporting Cleaner, More Reliable Energy Systems
In 2015, leaders from 196 countries came together to sign the United Nations’ Paris Agreement with the goal of creating a binding agreement to combat climate change and adapt to its effects. Since then, several local and national incentive programs have been introduced in the United States to better protect the environment through renewable energy generation and grid resiliency upgrades. To successfully work toward these goals, we must upgrade and expand our existing electric transmission and distribution systems and dramatically increase the amount of renewable energy-generating sources.
Q&A: Health & Safety on Contaminated Sites
What are some of the more common health and safety hazards to consider when working at a contaminated site? What on-site measures should be taken?
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TECH FOCUS: Revitalizing Brownfield Sites into Electric Vehicle Charging
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, there are currently over 450,000 brownfield sites located in the United States. These sites can pose significant challenges to city officials, urban planners, and developers, as they often require significant remediation efforts before they can be redeveloped. Yet brownfield sites pose an opportunity to establish a more sustainable, environmentally friendly transportation future, given the rise of electric vehicle (EV) sales in the United States and the demand for infrastructure that can support EV charging.
ESG SPOTLIGHT: Climate Transparency Creates Web of Requirements
Since its release in March, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Climate Change Reporting Rule has dominated climate change disclosure discussions. However, the rule includes pointed deviations from California’s groundbreaking climate change disclosure legislation released in late 2023. These differences have formed one of the biggest disclosure challenges in the United States (e.g., how to align multiple disclosures to cover requirements without creating conflicts). Additionally, New York, Washington, and Illinois are following suit with California by drafting similar regulations.