Air Emissions – Minor Source Permitting
Langan was retained by Transicoil LLC to obtain a facility- wide State-Only Operating permit for their air emission sources. The primary activity performed at the facility includes fabrication of motion control and rotating electromechanical components, along with liquid crystal displays and modules for aerospace, defense, medical, and commercial applications. As part of these functions, Transicoil operates over 50 individual sources within ten different emission source categories including degreasers, paint booths, ovens, chrome and acid baths, blasting stations, and general solvent uses. The primary pollutants of concern at this facility were VOCs and particulate matter. Langan reviewed all previous submittals to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), prepared an updated inventory of emission sources, and evaluated pre-existing emissions calculations with regard to accuracy and revisions. Langan then prepared and submitted a State-Only Operating Permit package, provided follow-up correspondence, and coordinated with the Bureau of Air Quality of the Southeast regional office of the PADEP on behalf of Transicoil during the technical review process.