Compressor Station Air Permitting

Langan prepared two air-quality permit applications for the construction of the Kryptonite and Pettit Compressor Stations. The applications were submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) as part of its general plan-approval or general operating-permit application. A Request for Determination was completed for the pigging operations that clean out the pipelines and emergency generators at both locations. Our engineers completed a single-source determination to assess Rice Poseidon Midstream properties within a five-mile radius by mapping nearby facilities to determine whether the project qualified for a GP-5 PADEP air-pollution-control permit. The project met the single-source review criteria, and Langan prepared the permit application, General Information Form, and supporting documents. This work included obtaining equipment information and calculating emission rates based on equipment specifications and EPA AP-42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emissions Factors, GRI-GLYCalc emissions testing software, and the EPA TANKS 4.0.9d software program. As part of the operating permit application, Langan conducted a full regulatory review, a Best Available Technology review, prepared a Compliance Review Form, Municipal and County Notification letters, and a Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) review according to PADEP requirements.