Methane mitigation is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to the redevelopment of closed landfills, coastal infill, wetlands, and natural geologic formations.
Methane gas is lighter than air, flammable, and, if allowed to accumulate in enclosed spaces, can present an explosion hazard. Therefore, an engineered methane mitigation system (MMS) is essential to the design and safety of structures built on top of subsurface methane sources.
TECH FOCUS: Digital Transformation and Tools for EHS Management
Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) management teams and executives understand the value of technology and are implementing digital transformation strategies within their organizations. More and more, companies are exploring and deploying cutting-edge digital technologies to help effectively manage their EHS programs. From smart personal protective equipment, or PPE, that can warn of potential hazards to drones that can inspect gas pipelines in remote locations, these technological advances are helping make work safer and more efficient.
ESG SPOTLIGHT: SEC Climate Disclosure Rule – New Anticipated Approval Date
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed Climate Change Disclosure Rule, which aims to enhance and standardize climate-related disclosures for investors, has generated significant debate since it was announced on April 11, 2022. Despite a tumultuous journey, including extensions and reopening of the comment period, however, the rule is expected to be finalized this fall.