Food Processing Facility
Langan is providing environmental compliance and multidisciplinary engineering services associated with wastewater discharge challenges. We completed a comprehensive review of the facility’s current operations and compliance history and conducted a process review and effluent characterization program. Based on our findings, we supported the engineering design, procurement, installation, and start-up of a temporary wastewater treatment system. This system provides a short-term mitigation method to reduce effluent concentrations to below permit thresholds and will be used as a pilot system to evaluate long-term efficacy. We also facilitated responses and permit negotiations with regulatory agencies and the receiving POTW, provided on-site wastewater treatment system support, and successfully applied for the re-issuance of the facility’s industrial discharge permit. As the lead of the capital project for the permanent treatment system, we will also provide civil, geotechnical, data management, and digital solutions services.